Miss Squiggles is not great when it comes to crafting. Loose buttons, unfinished wool hats and anything that cannot be glue gunned is something she always gets stuck with: think now, piles and piles of unfinished craft projects, that even kids could easily work out, stuffed on every clear surface of Miss Squiggles’ room.

That’s exactly why I wasn’t too sure about attending a craft event and broadcasting my total lack of craftiness on Sunday…but what the heck, it was just an afternoon, coffee and goodie bags were going to make a much welcomed appearance…surely, it wasn’t going to be so bad.

Turned out that no, miles away from being bad, my crafty Sunday experience at Chapter Arts Centre with the amazing team of Joe Blogs and Hillarys, was not only enjoyable but also quite revealing.

Helped by the extraordinary ladies of the Crafty Hen, Miss Squiggles did not only manage to  show off some simple stitching without hurting anyone, including herself, but also to realise a too adorable to be true book cover.

I couldn’t possibly take all the credit though. Hillarys‘ fabrics are absolutely beautiful and made it very easy for Miss Squiggles to create something pretty with them. Also, having the team of The Crafty Hen, a craft events platform, helping us, directing our ‘vision’ and correcting our craft mistakes effortlessly, was an absolute treat.

Thanks to all the people at Joe Bloggers for once again another amazing event. Have a look at some of the pictures, Miss Squiggles took of her fabulous crafty day.

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Miss Squiggles








Miss Squiggles