“Flubit turned to Miss Squiggles to help monitor and add to the continued dialogue in the media, connecting Flubit’s brand with relevant eCommerce and retail stories. We enjoyed working with the Miss Squiggles team and seeing mentioned across relevant articles during our time working together.”  Bertie Stephens, Co-Founder and CEO

The Little Leather Factory is a leather bag and accessories manufacturer renowned for its craftsmanship and quality. Our mission is to create a stylish line of luxury fashion bags and accessories for men and women. In addition to leather bags, The Little Leather Factory also offers leather accessories and corporate gifts.

“Working with Miss Squiggles Communications has resulted in some great PR/Press coverage. Would recommend.” Nila Holden, Founder of Nila Holden Artisan Cakes & Cookies

The Miss Squiggles Team has shown high levels of commitment, integrity, experience and a great level of understanding as to how the PR world works. I have no hesitation in endorsing and recommending Miss Squiggles to any company looking to add PR to their marketing efforts.”  

Nick Rule, Founder of Isla Rule

Pepper Alley was founded in 2015, following a fruitless search for a gold leather tote.

“Loving simply styled leather bags in beautiful colours, I was unable to find anything suitable. Turning to a friend with a small leather workshop, I explained my idea with a simple sketch and couple of bullet points. And so the Clemmie tote was born.”

Discover London Tours organises half-day, full-day, family or VIP tour in London, Bath and many more UK cities. Click on the picture to find out more.

Millisimo was founded in 2013 in London and perfectly combines a metropolitan London vibe and luxury Italian leather handbags. Millisimo designs and creates versatile, long-lasting and fashionable handbags and accessories for both men and women.

Caremark is an established and highly regarded home care provider offering home care, personal support, home help and companionship services

“Very professional and easy to work with. On time with my deadline producing quality content for our website.” Adam Bristowe, Director, Just Plants Bristol