Miss Squiggles loves food. I know it’s not exactly news but she really does. She loves cooking and experimenting with new ingredients. She loves going to good restaurants and trying what’s new. She doesn’t care about silly, little things like diet and kale, OK, she does, but not extremely so and not when she’s really, really hungry.
Miss Squiggles also loves when great companies like Amira ask her to try their new products.
If you’re not familiar, Amira is an International natural food company which specialises in quality products including luxury Basmati rice. Amira rice is gluten free, low in fat and an incredible source of natural vitamins… it sounded like the perfect choice for Miss Squiggles.
The perfect choice for making Miss Squiggles’ comfort food of the week: her Mushroom Rice Cake.
Miss Squiggles’ Rice Cake is extremely easy to make. Just be creative with what’s left in your fridge, the more the better…
Amira White Basmati Rice (half pack)
Ham & Cheese (I used 200 g of Honey Roast Ham and 300 g of Halloumi)
Olive Oil
500 g of mushrooms (already chopped, because time cannot be wasted at the Squiggles’ household)
Preparation Method
First thing first. We grease a large tin with butter and cover it in breadcrumbs.
We bring the rice to boil at medium heat and then drain it (it usually takes 15/20 minutes).
In the meantime we wash our mushrooms and cook them in olive oil, salt and garlic.
We chop our ham and cheese quite ungracefully.
When the rice is ready we add our cooked mushroom, chopped cheese and ham.
We mix everything with three table spoons of butter.
Pour the mix in the greased tin, cover it with more breadcrumbs, parmesan and olive oil.
Grill in the oven for 20 minutes at 200C.
This is the perfect comfort food; something nice in the oven as it should be when the season gets colder…and something to bring to the office tomorrow and make your colleagues super jealous.
What’s your favourite autumnal recipe? Let Miss Squiggles know!
Miss Squiggles