Miss Squiggles talks to Sustainable Women’s Wear designer Stamo and unveils one of the great minds behind the first ever Luxury Sustainable Fashion Show during London Fashion Week.
Stamo, my collections, my colours
“I come from Greece, where light dictates everything. Light is colour and colour can make your day smile. That is why I use it a lot both in my every day life and collection.”
Be ethical, be fashionable…
“Ethical fashion is a wide subject. In short we believe that it should not only target a cleaner environment but also happy people (that are well paid and work under safe conditions ) to enjoy it.”
My biggest inspiration…
“My first clues of sustainability came from my great grandmother, who was a dress maker during two World Wars and one Civil War. Although resources were scarce, through recycling and reusing every little scrap, she would create stunning garments for her clients, that would come all the way from France and Switzerland.”
The First Sustainable Fashion Show
“We have decided to organise the first ever sustainable luxury fashion show and tell a Grimm fairy tale. The story of sustainability viewed with the eyes of brands that operate in different parts of the world. We are organising that in collaboration with Fine Cell Work, a charity I volunteer with and award winning legal firm Olswang on 17th February 2014, at 19.00 in Kingsway Hall, Covent Garden.”
Some Spring Views
“I love spring as fresh ideas sprout all over…. full of colour. I do not really do trends but I do believe in wearing garments that compliment us and keep us company for many years.”
A day @ the office
“My ‘office’ is an organised chaos as I am working both on my collections as well as organising Ecoluxe London and also working on various other projects. So a ‘typical’ day starts at 7.00am and it is completely different from the previous and next ones.”
Ideal Dinner Tables
“I would invite all the people that worked to make the fashion show happen. Seamstresses, dressmakers, pattern cutters and pressers. If they were not there with their skills and expertise fashion would not exist.”
Being Sustainable by Default
“I have been collecting and researching antique embroideries, textiles and garments for the last 30 years. Back then they were sustainable by default and that we need to respect and pass on to next generations.”
What about you? Want to part of the next generation? Make sure you check out Ecoluxe London and let the sustainable fashion adventure begin.
Miss Squiggles