- Just picture it for a second…
A gorgeous, rural setting, lavish food by super catering Spiros, drinks by the award winning Lab 22… no wonder Miss Squiggles loved it so much.
Castell Polo was an amazing Sunday event, the perfect excuse to wear a hat and watch or try to the polo match, alcohol and rain permitting…
We drank, ate and generally had a pretty merry time.
And no, not even the crazy Welsh rain could stop us from having fun.
Have a look at some cute, little snaps from our day out…
Being a polo rookie, I wore heels.
Still, I could count on valiant gentlemen when it felt like I was sinking in quicksand, which, trust me, happened often…
Want to know what Miss Squiggles wore and, above anything else, how much she spent? Course you do… Click here now.
Castell Polo was a fab day out and a perfect way to inaugurate our Summer Events Season…
Miss Squiggles