Miss Squiggles is always looking for love or #love so when she found out about her next guest she couldn’t help but include her profile in our little campaign for women by women.

Why? There hasn’t ever been a better time to talk about women being wonderful CEOs and anyone who plays Cupid in the current love recession has her deepest admiration. So please meet my third guest: CEO of  exclusive dating business Elect Club  Genevieve Zawada…


My typical day starts from 4am as I am such a bad sleeper

I look at my emails in bed and reply to anything simple and easy. I then get up and start working on all the creative thinking work as this is my “creative time” with no interruptions; so marketing and sales things as well as writing as I write an awful lot.

At 7am my family wake up and time to get children ready for school. At 8am I see them off and then walk the dogs before I get on the train for London. I’m in London for 10am everyday where I meet with the team and plan the day and the day begins. I don’t eat before I leave home so we tend to have breakfast together, so it’s herbal tea and marmite toast for me! Yes I love marmite! Usually we will have consultations at lunchtime as this is a great time for single professionals to meet with us.

The afternoon is usually spent working on clients profiles, matchmaking and coaching clients too. At around 3.30 I have lunch so a salad or sandwich or even soup, something light. Then it’s back to consultations and meetings till around 6 and then I get the train home. On the train home I tend to try to switch off a little as I have an hour journey it’s a good opportunity to unwind, but inevitably I am finishing off emails that have come in during the afternoon. Once home it’s helping with supper but my husband is a great cook so I tend to leave this to him.Homework with little people and either read or watch a bit of TV or a film to unwind. A few times a week I will be out in the evenings for networking events or parties that we have either been invited to or organised for our members. I am usually in bed on a regular night by 10.30 .

Our Instagram says…

Adventures are the best way to learn 🌊☀️ #travel #guruandgo

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My best tip for business women…

Try to have a balanced life with things you love. If it’s all work and no
play you not only resent your work yourself but your family will resent you too.

My best tip for women on how to find love…

It’s difficult as so many people get it so wrong and then blame the website or App they are using. Preparation is key and knowing who you are and what you have to offer and
need is so important. I have just written a guide to help people which they
can download by clicking here.
Or if you are serious about finding love and don’t have the time or energy
to find the right match or simply don’t get the opportunity to meet good
single people that want to settle down then get in touch with my team at

Find out about our fourth guest tomorrow…

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