I have always been a girl’s girl or tried to be. I avoid jealousy, cat-fighting or looking at other people’s grass. Mine is emerald and expects daily watering.
My entire life I have been surrounded by great women – my mother, my sister, my grandmother and a bunch of super smart girlfriends who have always had my back and are a continuous source of inspiration.
It was only a matter of time before I made it official and joined Sorelle.
You might remember Sorelle from last year’s post where I talked about Danielle Howell, its beautiful captain (& top solicitor) and how she was changing the cards in the networking sector focusing more on women and their power.
Sorelle is a networking group for professional women in Cardiff which recently re-launched in partnership with another uber-cool group, Cavalier Suite, another Cardiff-based, metro-circle which exclusively caters for the dapper & the beautiful.
With the exclusive Attic as the chosen location for the relaunch, Sorelle meets Cavalier Suite was exactly what we were expecting… and If you weren’t there, you missed a lot…
Imagine amazing canapés, the coolest professionals in Cardiff (rumour has it that the CYP bunch made an appearance) and an impeccably organised Summer event… in support of Breast Cancer Care Cymru –the only UK-wide specialist support charity for anyone affected by breast cancer.
You also missed a seriously good goodie bag…I mean, seriously good and as you know, I am quite picky when it comes to goodie bags… This one in particular had beauty products from the latest Clarins & Elemis ranges…have a look:
Sorelle & Cavalier Suite exceeded our expectations and left us intrigued about future events… very intrigued… the next one will be at the latest trendy spot in Cardiff, Pitch but go check out their Twitter handles for more info @CavalierSuite & SorelleCardiff…
…and if you still have doubts…here’s 5 reasons why you should join Sorelle and why you should do it right now:
1) We all need girl time with our best and closest friends and that’s what Sorelle is all about: being surrounded and empowered by great women who give you their endless support and understanding.
2) The chance to talk business and meet some serious bad-ass women who will be a continuous source of inspiration, motivation and practical advice.
3) Meet the most dapper gentlemen of the Cardiff-scene thanks to the lovely (yes, they really are) guys of Cavalier Suite
5) After-work drinks at the coolest places in Cardiff. Do I need to add more?
I will see you at the next event – remember the dress code is your very, very best as we have a bit of a competition going on. Show us your best dapper look and let’s get the style party started.
Miss Squiggles