Sex & The City is on in the background, a delicious ray of light is streaming through the window and I am typing away on my laptop, ready to bring you our Three Beautiful Things of the week. Curiously, this morning I stumbled upon an Instagram post via Rosie Coles (below) which, in essence, sums up the sentiment behind these types of posts we love to publish every Friday. How heartwarming to think that, up and down the country, little joys and moments of gratitude are being celebrated in these trying circumstances. What are your top three beautiful things of the week? Here are ours:

Picture via @rosiecoles

New Opportunities – It’s so easy to assume that, just like our worlds, the opportunities around us have shrunk exponentially during these trying times. However, now more than ever, there is so much power in connection and community. For those looking for experience in the creative industries, websites like Find Your Intern are still publicising new opportunities regularly like the below internship via Rockett Fashion.

Picture via @rockettfashion

Getting Creative – On the subject of new-found time extending before us, we have loved seeing everyone getting back into hobbies they had forgotten about. Sourdough starter? Why not. Painting? Go for it. An elaborate three-course dinner complete with dinner table styling and in-between-course entertainment? We’re your girls. For any self-employed creatives looking to flex their innovation muscle, Creative Cardiff are commissioning practitioners in the city to produce a piece of work entitled our Creative Cardiff. Further details can be found here – good luck and do let us know if you take part.

Picture via @creativecardiff

Checking in with ourselves – While it may seem that everyone is productive 24/7 during quarantine, we have enjoyed taking some time to re-think our priorities and really check in with ourselves. Daily acts of kindness – a mid-morning coffee round, a quick chat with each other during brain-storming sessions and some needed self-reflection on our daily walks have worked wonders. If you think you need silence, time and rest this weekend, it may be time to cancel that millionth Zoom call you have scheduled – no guilt necessary. We’ll see you again on Monday.

Picture via @haleydrewthis

Sending a (socially-distanced!) hug and good vibes your way. We can’t wait, as the incredibly talented illustration above states, to run towards the friends we haven’t seen in a while. Until then, we will try to incorporate some joy into the everyday. As always, come say hi on Instagram and Twitter – it’s time to let us know what your three beautiful things of the week are.

Love always,
