Here at Miss Squiggles, we have a passion for anything that is both handmade and with a gorgeous yet sustainable package and that is exactly how Pretty Little Treats caught our eye. Do you want to find out more? Have a look below. This week we have taken a look at the lovely Vicky Woodger’s Instagram account. Did you know that she is the owner of Pretty Little Treats, a Handmade Vintage inspired Bath & Body brand based in Yorkshire?

Please tell us the story of how you come up with such an exciting project
I’ve always loved making my own natural skin care products but I’m actually a designer by trade and I came across the company when they asked me to do a rebrand for them a few years ago. I fell in love with the product and when an opportunity arose to purchase the business, I just couldn’t resist! We’ve kept some of the old favourites, but we have tailored them to fit our ethos and style. We have some exciting new products underway.

Have you got a sleep routine?
A herbal tea & a good book to relax and take my mind somewhere else.
What could really help our readers unwind?
Our all-purpose Butter Balm contains lavender essential oil so is amazing for relaxation, other than that a nice bath with candles.
Have you got any tips for other business women in the same sector?
Don’t try and do too many things at once and get side-tracked, stay focused on the task you set out to do.
How can they grab the attention of buyers?
A great brand look and packaging is a must.

Do you want to be featured on The Squiggles Edit? You know the drill, just send us an email ( with your Instagram account and we will be in touch!