3 Things to do in Cardiff this Spring

3 Things to do in Cardiff this Spring

With the sun shining, the longer days and the May Bank Holidays , the new season always brings with it a desire to try something new. Whether it’s about straying away from routine, booking something we’ve been meaning to try for a while or meeting new people, stepping...
The Week in Pictures: 2nd to 8th October

The Week in Pictures: 2nd to 8th October

Welcome to the Week in Pictures! We are super guilty of holding pictures hostage on our IPhones so we have vowed to be better at sharing. Whether it’s glimpses of our weeks, what’s keeping us busy, new season buys we can’t get enough of or a fun week-night recipe, we...
3 Reasons Why: The Magic Flute

3 Reasons Why: The Magic Flute

There is something unsettling about Mozart. A friend of mine says that he can write about the most horrendous things in the world by using the sweetest, most upbeat music. This is the absolute truth when it comes to the Don Giovanni, and it is, also, kind of accurate...
International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Three reasons why we still need International Women’s Day and why being a feminist has nothing to do with who gets to pay dinner. Home: Jane Austen, novelist, feminist and true icon was only commemorated with a £10 note in 2017: 200 years after her death. Films,...