5 Reads for the Long Weekend

5 Reads for the Long Weekend

Books, television, podcasts, staying up until midnight to comment that new Netflix series on Twitter…culture undoubtedly connects us in times where opportunities for jumping on a plane in search of escapism are, well, slim. Call us old-fashioned but reading, to...
Happy Calligraphy Day

Happy Calligraphy Day

Happy Calligraphy Day, everyone. Raise your hand if you handwrite very little these days.  While my calligraphy is not Meghan Markle’s, what with being left-handed and leaving a trail of ink smudge after EVERY SINGLE WORD, I thought I would give it a go and give...

10 things that make Miss Squiggles joyful

After reading about makemejoyful.com, a new initiative which tries to bring happiness and positivity in this world by promoting casual acts of  kindness towards ourselves and the others, I decided to compile a short list about the ten things that make me, Miss...