There is a lot to be said for small pleasures – this statement rings true always, yet, as we are heading towards a long weekend in lockdown, finding refuge in little certainties is all the more necessary. For some, this will mean accepting mandatory-at-home-relaxation following an intense few weeks adjusting to the work-from-home grind whereas, for others, snatching a few hours to truly unwind will be a task in itself. Regardless of your circumstances, the time you have to hand or how this Easter will look like to you, we have compiled a list of favourites to ease you into the long weekend.
From mindfulness tips to baking and a podcast to add to your list, here are our 3 Beautiful Things of the Week just in time for the long weekend. These are for you to dip in and out of as you please, bookmark or enjoy, glass of wine in hand, as you sit in the garden/balcony/ the makeshift ‘beer-garden’ you have made in the corner of your flat. What are your 3 Beautiful Things this week? In no particular order, we will be:
Practising Mindfulness with The Road to Hannah – Thanks to a new generation of wellness practitioners, easing into meditation practices is affordable, targeted and, surprisingly effective despite the remote nature of the lessons. We love tuning into the Road to Hannah for honest, relatable content around spirituality, wellbeing and holistic wellness. At 12 minutes tops, the Connecting to Your Intuition IGTV video is the gift we needed in times where second-guessing, doubt and uncertainty can become second-nature. A must-watch for anyone feeling their judgement is at risk of becoming clouded by fear and panic despite their best intentions – toilet paper hoarders, we’re looking at you. Hannah also has some great free resources on her website which you can access here.
(Attempting to!) Bake Delicious Cinnamon Buns – Nothing quite says Easter like a warm cinnamon bun accompanied by a cup of tea so we can’t wait, come Easter Sunday, to set the alarm slightly earlier and sneak into the garden to enjoy 10 minutes of undisturbed bliss. We love this recipe by Tilly’s Table – how dreamy is her photography? If wrestling the crowds in Tesco for specific ingredients isn’t your thing (we really hope it isn’t!), it might be time to experiment and substitute ingredients – that’s where all the fun is at anyway, right?
Listening to the High Low Podcast – Podcasts fill that deliciously indulgent space between something we may love to do that isn’t necessarily good for us (ie. spend our afternoons with Kim, Kourtney et al) and something that may be good for us but we don’t necessarily love (running marathons / eating our five-a-day….the list goes on). Following the announcement of the High Low’s Return (on insta, of course!), fans rejoiced, not least because 100% of the profits will be going to charities such as Women’s Aid and NHS Charities COVID-19 Urgent Appeal. Entertainment that makes us feel good and does good too? We’re in.
We hope you enjoyed this little-round up. Even if our long weekends may not involve the usual family lunches, reunions or friends get-togethers in the pub, we hope to have brought a little joy and distraction your way. Enjoy the long weekend, keep safe and let us know how you are spending it over on Instagram and Twitter.
Squiggles Team X