Flat & The Curves: 3 Reasons

Flat & The Curves: 3 Reasons

*Image courtesy of Karla Gowlett On a Saturday night, after a long week, two sisters found themselves walking through the wonders of a Cabaret. Blue drinks were flowing, sparkly sequins were ready to go, and as the lights turned off, we all waited in awe for the act...
Roxy Lanes: 3 Reasons

Roxy Lanes: 3 Reasons

The new Roxy Lanes has finally landed in Cardiff. We were invited to the opening night on Thursday and had the chance to have a sneak peek at Cardiff’s newest addition. More than a bowling alley, Roxy Lanes offers a bit of everything from American pool to...
3 Reasons: Pride & Prejudice, sort of!

3 Reasons: Pride & Prejudice, sort of!

To me, there is no such thing as too much Austen: I would read, watch, eat or inhale any shape, form or rendition, you pick. Yet, in the past years, it has been difficult to find an Austen-inspired production that was engaging, let alone, refreshing. That’s the...
Happy Pancake Day

Happy Pancake Day

As we strive to eat less processed food in 2023, we have come up with a simple recipe for Pancake Day. We don’t normally say this but it’s not only good but also really simple to make. Have a look below and let us know your thoughts: Ingredients: 1 banana...
Catching up with Clare Anderson

Catching up with Clare Anderson

There is nothing like that period of time between Christmas and the New Year. For around five days or so, the world collectively forgets to check its emails, things that seemed like ultimate priorities are pushed to the bottom of the list and time stands still...