by Squiggles Team | Mar 29, 2021 | City, Life, magazine
Coffee and a walk. Coffee after an outdoors workout. Coffee on a park bench as you catch up with a mate. It’s funny how habits we form and the things we consume have taken on a whole new shape in lockdown – the humble takeaway coffee has now become...
by Squiggles Team | Dec 28, 2020 | Life, magazine
Ah, 2020. What a year for businesses. Closing, opening, re-opening, adapting, re-adapting, reshuffling and, to put it plainly, bravely getting on with it all even when things felt out of control. While the support for small businesses, both online and in real life,...
by Squiggles Team | Nov 27, 2020 | Life
Happy Friday everyone. Whilst we’re formally out of lockdown here in Wales, we thought we would still share this simple recipe in case you fancied doing a little cooking / baking at the weekend and, of course, for our English friends currently in lockdown. There...
by Squiggles Team | Sep 25, 2020 | Life, magazine
We won’t lie to you, reader, this week has felt…long. Like wading through treacle, stubbornly and fervently at first, only to give up and feel like taking a long nap shortly afterwards. Or long like those interminable lessons back in school, those...
by Squiggles Team | Sep 1, 2020 | Life, magazine
Happy First of September! How have we almost made it to Autumn? We always say how September feels like a new start, time to think about changes we have been wanting to make for a while and accelerate towards our goals ahead of the Christmas madness. This year, more...