Conscious Snacking with Scrapples

Conscious Snacking with Scrapples

As you may have heard – or indeed read about on this very magazine – snacking is something we take very seriously. So we were super excited when, earlier on in the Autumn, we set out to try the best options out there and tell you all about them. As we head into the...
In Festive Conversation with Simona Rusk

In Festive Conversation with Simona Rusk

2020 has been full of unknowns – uncertainty upon uncertainty, sadness, confusion and a perennial mental fatigue which latched on to us in March and has followed us for the best part of the year. In the midst of all this, however, among the rubble and the chaos,...
Friday Night Cheese Biscuits

Friday Night Cheese Biscuits

Happy Friday everyone. Whilst we’re formally out of lockdown here in Wales, we thought we would still share this simple recipe in case you fancied doing a little cooking / baking at the weekend and, of course, for our English friends currently in lockdown. There...