The Spring Beauty Edit

The Spring Beauty Edit

Over the past few weeks, there has been a real focus on beauty here at Squiggles HQ. The arrival of Spring always brings around a fair share of new launches and treatments to try and – as we all collectively emerge from months of hibernation – we thought...
Hello, 2022!

Hello, 2022!

Did it just stop raining for five seconds? Rose here, everyone. I am writing this post on what feels (but isn’t) like the first Sunday of the year with a little ray of sunshine. We have just gone on a little walk to Insole Court and we are looking at the new...
3 Beautiful Things – End of Summer Edition

3 Beautiful Things – End of Summer Edition

Ahh those long, hazy days which mark the end of the summer. There is a somewhat eery stillness which characterises the last few days of August; a sense that time, and nature, are at a standstill holding on tight at their most beautiful before change, inevitably, steps...
Tried & Tested: CBD Oil

Tried & Tested: CBD Oil

We’ve all had one of those days haven’t we? Waking up foggy-headed, groggy and with all intentions of going back to bed if it wasn’t for a sharp pain at our sides indicating that, yes, our periods have vey much made an appearance. An unexpected side...
3 Lockdown Purchases Worth Their Salt

3 Lockdown Purchases Worth Their Salt

Like many of us, during this crazy period, we have tried to minimise our spending. Big, big purchases have been placed on hold and swapped instead with little pick-me-ups to brighten our days: the odd bouquet of flowers, cheese and wine from independent businesses to...