3 Joys To Keep Us Going

3 Joys To Keep Us Going

We won’t lie to you, reader, this week has felt…long. Like wading through treacle, stubbornly and fervently at first, only to give up and feel like taking a long nap shortly afterwards. Or long like those interminable lessons back in school, those...
Let’s Dance – Turn’d Up Fitness

Let’s Dance – Turn’d Up Fitness

Happy, happy Monday. Today, we’re here with a brand new interview with Shekira Johnson, founder of Turn’d Up Fitness. What better way to start a new week? Maybe you’re looking for a new dance class to attend locally, a new hobby to shake things up...
3 Things Giving Us Major Back To School Vibes

3 Things Giving Us Major Back To School Vibes

Happy First of September! How have we almost made it to Autumn? We always say how September feels like a new start, time to think about changes we have been wanting to make for a while and accelerate towards our goals ahead of the Christmas madness. This year, more...
3 Beautiful Things – End of Summer Edition

3 Beautiful Things – End of Summer Edition

Ahh those long, hazy days which mark the end of the summer. There is a somewhat eery stillness which characterises the last few days of August; a sense that time, and nature, are at a standstill holding on tight at their most beautiful before change, inevitably, steps...
Tried & Tested: CBD Oil

Tried & Tested: CBD Oil

We’ve all had one of those days haven’t we? Waking up foggy-headed, groggy and with all intentions of going back to bed if it wasn’t for a sharp pain at our sides indicating that, yes, our periods have vey much made an appearance. An unexpected side...
Three Beautiful Things of the Week

Three Beautiful Things of the Week

It’s a Friday, the sun is shining and lockdown restrictions are easing across Wales giving us the opportunity to see our loved ones, plan a fun day out or grab a takeaway coffee and enjoy a walk in the sunshine. Only a short post this week as we will be busy...