Friday Night Cheese Biscuits

Friday Night Cheese Biscuits

Happy Friday everyone. Whilst we’re formally out of lockdown here in Wales, we thought we would still share this simple recipe in case you fancied doing a little cooking / baking at the weekend and, of course, for our English friends currently in lockdown. There...
Three Beautiful Things of The Week – Hello October

Three Beautiful Things of The Week – Hello October

Happy start of October! How is everyone doing? It’s been a drizzly, long week here in Cardiff and, as both local lockdowns and this rainy weather look like they are here to stay, we thought we would share our Three Beautiful Things of the week to accompany you...
Three Beautiful Things of the Week

Three Beautiful Things of the Week

Sex & The City is on in the background, a delicious ray of light is streaming through the window and I am typing away on my laptop, ready to bring you our Three Beautiful Things of the week. Curiously, this morning I stumbled upon an Instagram post via Rosie Coles...
The Magic of Christmas

The Magic of Christmas

It’s a funny time of year; carved pumpkins and candy concoctions are now a distant memory yet Christmas, and its promise of undisturbed relaxation and evasion from daily chores, continues to feel inexplicably out of reach. Advent Calendars line the shop shelves,...